Looking for something specific? Contact the Trans Connect coordinator at ankorstransconnect@gmail.com.
The Canadian Non-binary Youth in Sport Report
The experiences of non-binary youth in organized team sports in Canada have been drastically understudied. Martha Gumprich and Nicola Hare address this issue in The Canadian Non-binary Youth in Sport Report. This report is based on the findings from Gumprich’s thesis on the experiences of non-binary youth in organized team sports in Canada, along with suggestions posed by youth from focus group sessions. Download (pdf)
Non-binary Youth in Sport Social Media Toolkit
The Canadian Non-binary Youth in Sport Report has clear, easy to follow suggestions for making sport more inclusive of all genders. Would you like to help promote the report? This toolkit has two sets of social media shareables that summarize the main findings of the report and solutions to the issues many non-binary youth face. Share today! Download (pdf)
Medical Resources
British Columbia’s provincial transgender health organization which connects people with education, care, hormones, and surgery access.
A phone number for doctors to call for more information on how to provide the proper care to their transgender and gender diverse patients.

Step-by-step guides to trans surgeries in BC.
Gender Expression
Information on binding, padding, hair removal, bras, hormones, surgery, and other chest health for trans people.
Methods of tucking as well as health and safety information for transfeminine people who tuck.

A speech and voice feminization program for adults who are transitioning or have transitioned.
An updating ID guide, information on the X gender marker, and links to application forms for name and gender maker changes.
Information on different forms of hair removal.
Human Rights and Legal Support
Know your rights in public spaces, education, housing, employment, parenting, health care, the prison system, immigration, sex work, and in situations of violence.
Catherine White Holman Wellness Centre provides low-barrier legal and wellness services to Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender non-conforming people. Our services include hormone and surgery readiness assessments, ADHD assessments, support with ID changes including updating name and gender marker, and legal advice. Our services are provided virtually via Zoom to everyone living in British Columbia regardless in status. In-person appointments are available if needed.